AI landscape: open database of AI tools

Name of Project: AI landscape

Proposal in one sentence: Creating an open database of current AI tools, apps, models etc.

Description of the project and what problem it is solving: AI area boomed so fast that a lot of researches are needed. I want to conclude a research and create an open database with existing AI tools, apps, text generators, open source machine learning models etc.

So it is easier for anyone creating new projects within the space to:

  • identify new markets
  • explore existing tools and use them
  • grasp a current state of the art

Grant Deliverables:
Open database (Airtable or Notion) + research paper with methodology etc
Later can be transformed into simple landing page

Maja Cholewka (upperm)
Discord: upperm#8053


I think this will be really helpful for people who are just starting or finding a suitable market for their project. I just have one suggestion, you can make the database in such a manner that the tools get sorted according to the markets so that it will be easier for anyone to find tools according to their market needs.
One more suggestion: It would be really helpful if there are previous projects related to a specific tool or market given in the database.

Something like this?

or this?

How would the AI Landscape differ from the many other databases of AI tools?

More grist for your AI Landscape mill: