Rektify AI - Refining the largest NLP-powered API of hacks, scams, and exploits

Proposal in one sentence:
Rektify AI is an AI-powered Web3 security & risk analytics platform offering attack literacy, vulnerability detection & intrusion prevention for Web3 projects & users.

Description of the project and what problem is it solving:
Hacks, scams, and exploits are not nascent to the blockchain space; attacks cause projects and users billions of dollars each year creating opportunities for more ameliorate security solutions.

A few Downside risks & challenges of DeFi

  • No consumer protection
  • Poor performance
  • Un-audited code
  • High risk of error
  • Bad user experience
  • Cluttered ecosystem
  • Shadowy super-coders (hackers)
  • Collateralization
  • Private key custody

Just in the past 2 years we’ve lost more than $16 billion in attacks in the blockchain industry, which is projected to double by the year 2026. Both projects and end-users want to protect themselves so we offer suites for both customers.

The data portal is intended to be used by end-users to receive access to risk dashboards that display data visualizations and metrics that capture the risk profile of crypto projects.

Prominent risk factors in crypto:

  • project founders
  • team (experience)
  • quality documentation (comments, architecture, code analysis)
  • protocol growth
  • transparency with token holders
  • etc.

For Web3 projects, we offer affordable smart contract auditing and access to our API that stores historical time-series data and on-chain activity pertaining to Web3 attacks.

Grant Deliverables:

  1. Clean master dataset using OpenRefine for the REAL API to prepare for additional records.

  2. Automate web scrapping technique using autoscrapper and other intelligent AI-powered web scrapping tools.

DeMarcus Edwards - AI Engineer

Justin Stewart - Cybersecurity Specialist, Github: Jnstiu (Sneak peek of Justin and teammate winning hackUMBC '22 using Rektify AI’s REAL API:

Michael Adewale - UI/UX designer

ilhan Jama - Cloud Engineer (Sneak peek of ilhan’s renown newsletter UnlearningX teaching the masses about Web3, cybersecurity, and emerging tech:

Jasmine Brunson - Founder and Data Scientist, Github: @BubblyOrca (Sneak peek of our founder in high school (circa 2016) winning a Congressional App Challenge on her game uplifting cryptography education.

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