- One stop solution to understand and make your smart contracts better

Name of Project:

Proposal in one sentence: helps you to Understand Complex Smart Contracts , Create and audit them with the power of AI within seconds.


  • Non - Techies using the dApps , can’t understand the complex code of the Smart Contracts , code although being open sourced.
  • Smart Contract Auditing and Security is necessary but complex and very long process .


Smart Contract fyi is a Smart Contract Tooling platform Powered by GPT-3 to give results in few seconds . Our tools include :

  • Understand Smart Contract code according to your preferences
  • Get your Smart Contract Audited and find Vulnerabilities in the Code
  • Create new Smart Contract code just by giving a Task
  • Generate the Flow of the Smart Contract Code

Live Link

The recent version with the update is live on .
The older and stable version is available on -


  • We have almost completed developing the functionality ,which we offered in the last grant proposal . The website will be live for beta testing by 14th January with these features :
  • Understanding Smart Contracts
  • Create Smart Contract
  • Get your Smart Contract Audited
  • Find vulnerabilities in Smart Contract
  • Create the flow chart of a Smart Contract

Grant Usage:

  • Buy Website Hosting and Domain
  • Purchase OPEN AI Credits - to keep the free tier for all

Grant Deliverables:

  • Open the website launch for all with free tier and offer payment tiers with perks.
  • Train GPT-3 model specifically for Smart Contracts
  • Add Dashboard and profile Section for users to monitor the usage .
  • Enhance Customisability for prompts according to user preference and understanding .


  1. Dhruv Agarwal (Developer_DAO Member)
  • @0xdhruva — Twitter
  • 0xdhruv#1370 — Discord
  1. Archit Sharma
  • @Arcsh7 — Twitter
  • ArchitSharma7#8088 - Discord

Great project Dhruv and Archit.

One question:
Does the website also suggest potential solutions for any vulnerability it finds in the contract?

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Right now it does not do that properly , although it highlights the vulnerability and points out what could cause the issue. Our results are based on GPT-3 model’s ability to find the vulnerabilities , but we could for sure go ahead with training a model specifically for that.

I like the idea of flowchart . someone like me who is focussed on frontend . I don’t really have to learn the process of solidity so it would be really helpful.

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Other than smartcontracts what other aspects of ur product can be useful to use it with , wanted to know about it ?

Right now, we are focused only on the smart contracts aspect, but it can be used for understanding, creating and auditing contracts as small as an NFT contract to develop a complex a Defi project.